Using momentum to keep moving toward goals ...

This is a cop out post. I know it is and I'm telling you up front. I'm not telling you so you can get out quick. I'm telling you so that you can know where my head is as I write this.  Normally, at the very least I'd have an idea of what I was going to write about if not have some of it written already. Not the case today. I've got nothing written and no fully thought out ideas. What to do then? The first step was to simply open up my laptop. I'd be lying if I said that was all it took. There was definitely procrastinating on Facebook and Instagram. I unnecessarily checked email and took a break to eat lunch (can you take a break if you haven't started?). That said here I am writing this post. More importantly, I'm going to finish writing this post.

I know I'm going to finish it because I've started it. Starting gave me the momentum needed to finish. Just like opening my laptop gave me the momentum to, eventually, start writing. The momentum was necessary to get me started and (soon to be) finished.

So where did the original momentum come from? Why even open the laptop in the first place? I'm not sure what the original impetus was but back in June I said I was going to post at least one blog a week. I haven't missed a week. They haven't always come out on Mondays like planned but they always come out. So today when it came down to opening the laptop today I had the momentum of 14 consecutive weeks pushing me.

The point of all this is to say that it's not always going to be easy. When it's not easy, use previous successes to keep you going. We are loss adverse. So if  you know you have a streak, the streak itself propels you to keep going. This is where a log/record can come in handy. Momentum.

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