2018 Growth

We're already half way through the first day of 2018. How are those resolutions coming along? Just kidding. Hopefully you're enjoying the day. I can tell you that the rest of my day will be spent in front of the TV watching college football.

I did want to take a minute and wish everyone a healthy and happy New Year.

Last night we out to dinner and Alli asked if I made resolutions. She knows I usually put down a few goals for the year.

Honestly I hadn't given it much thought this year (or technically last year at this point). But she got me thinking. The thing that immediately popped into was growth.

If you follow me on social media then you know or family is growing and we'll be welcoming new Baby Brown in March.

Also the main goal for business this year is growth: more clients, more readers/followers and produce more content.

I also want to grow socially. A lot of our friends aren't as close, physically, as they used to be. So it can be somewhat difficult to get together. It would be nice to have a few more friends around that we can call up spur of the moment.

So that's where my head is for 2018. What's your plan for the New Year?