What ONE thing are you going to do to improve your health/fitness?

There are 168 hours in a week. You go to the gym 3x times a week for about an hour. You're committed to eating healthy meals, let's over exaggerate and assume your meals all last an hour. So three hours at the gym and 21 hours eating (breakfast, lunch & dinner for 7 days). That's one day out of the week. That's 52 days out of the year. When people start a new health/fitness journey this is usually what they think they need to commit to. In case you haven't done the math (you definitely didn't do the math), that's 14%. No wonder most people don't achieve their health/fitness goals.

"What ONE thing (non gym related) are you going to do this week to improve your health/fitness?" This is the question I've been emailing clients every Sunday. This gets clients thinking beyond the gym. It helps them to realize that there has to be some commitment beyond their workouts and nutrition habits. There's a reason I end all my social media posts with the hashtags fitness, nutrition and lifestyle.

Lifestyle changes have to be a part of the equation. Lifestyle changes include getting more sleep, being more active outside the gym and improving your mental and social health. These are just some of the ways you can increase your commitment time outside of what you're eating and exercising.

The thing is by improving just a little bit of these things it can have huge affects. The reason being because these are the things that make up the majority of your time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you shouldn't be exercising or eating healthy. Please keep exercising and eating healthy.

I saying that exercise and eating healthy are (cliché alert) only the tip of the iceberg. I'm also saying that by working on some of the underlying stuff you may find that you achieve your health and fitness goals faster.

So with that, what one non gym related thing are you going to do this week to improve your health/fitness?

Let me know by leaving a comment. Seriously, leave a comment. I want to know.